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WonderFil Specialty Thread Blog

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Introducing FabuLux 40wt Trilobal Polyester Thread

Maura Kang

When you want to add something a little extra special to your quilting, FabuLux knows how to bring that shine and color you’ve been looking for. This dazzling 40wt thread is made from trilobal polyester. Most threads are round in shape, but a trilobal polyester thread is actually triangular in shape. This allows the thread to reflect more light off its surface, giving your stitching a soft shine and lustre. It’s one of the many things that makes FabuLux unique.


Not only will this thread stand out more as a result, but it also comes in 5 solid neon colors. Don’t be intimidated, neon actually looks stunning when it’s sewn out, and it’s perfect for making your quilting stand out whether you choose to use it on contrasting fabric, or pair it with like colors for a more subtle look.


FabuLux’s remaining 35 of the total 40 colors are all variegated, with some more subtle tone-on-tone options, and a few others that really want to scream for your attention. Variegated threads are perfect for matching all the colors in your quilt blocks, so you can easily quilt edge to edge without worrying about needing to frequently change your thread colors.


This gorgeous thread is perfect for sewing on longarms, midarms, and regular home sewing machines, and comes in two sizes at 766yds and 3000yd cones. But it isn’t just a favorite for quilting. You can use FabuLux for outlining designs, decorative sewing, and even in the embroidery machine.


One of our favorite things about this thread is that it’s basically lintless. FabuLux has a beautifully clean finish that won’t add a lot of lint build up in your machines. Afterall, there’s no point in spending thousands of dollars on a well-tuned sewing machine, only to gunk it up with lint. And because FabuLux is also extremely strong while also being incredibly soft to the touch, your bed quilts will never have felt, or looked, better.


If you’re inspired to sew with FabuLux, head on over to for a list of stores and retailers you can purchase from. You can also sign up to receive weekly sewing tips, free patterns, and tutorials in our newsletter. Register by clicking here! You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button on the footer of every email you receive.

Introducing NEW WonderFil Wearables Series

Maura Kang

Welcome to our new series, WonderFil Wearables! We’ll show you some great ideas and techniques for creating your own unique clothing items. Together, we’ll cover ways to embellish purchased garments, creating your own garments from scratch, adjusting existing patterns, and some of our own free simpler patterns you can download for yourself.


There will be tutorials for both beginners and advanced sewers on basic sewing machines, embroidery machines, and sergers. We’ll also talk about using WonderFil threads in wearable knit and crochet projects, and even venture into the exciting world of cosplay. So, whether you are just starting to sew or looking to expand into more challenging projects, this is the place for you. Join us each week to create your own one-of-a-kind wardrobe!

Introducing Designer 40wt All-Purpose Polyester Thread

Maura Kang

When you need a thread you can count on, Designer knows how to get it done. This reliable 40wt all-purpose polyester is made for any general sewing, garment construction, and sergers. Strong and flexible with a soft texture, it’s practical for any everyday use.

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Fashion designers and professional dress makers love this thread for its strength and versatility. When you’re constructing clothes, an all-purpose polyester like Designer is your best choice. Because the thread has a little bit of flexibility to it, the seams will move with your body. Afterall, no one wants to hear the dreaded “pop, pop, pop” of stitches breaking when you raise your arms. This is something that can happen when sewing clothes together using cotton thread instead of a flexible all-purpose polyester, as cotton has little to no stretch to it.


But Designer isn’t just limited to the needle. This is a fabulous serger thread that is perfect for finishing the raw edges of any project. Designer is both colorfast and safe to iron, even on high heat. And it can be safely used in washer and dryer machines without losing its strength and durability. We recommend a size 80/12 universal needle when sewing with Designer.

And the best part? Designer comes in a whopping 210 different colors. That means you’ll always be able to find the perfect color match to any project.


Reach for Designer the next time you need a reliable general sewing thread or want to sew your own garments at home. Afterall, what holds your projects together is one of the most important factors, even when you can’t see it.


Inspired to sew with Designer™? You can find a list of stores that carry WonderFil threads on You can also sign up to receive weekly sewing tips, free patterns, and tutorials in our newsletter. Register by clicking here! You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button on the footer of every email you receive.