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2915 19 St NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 7A2


Christmas Pack 2021: Eleganza™

2021 Holiday Pack: ELEGANZA™

ABOUT Eleganza™

#8 double gassed Egyptian perle cotton – Includes 9 balls (38.4m/42yd) in 3 colourways: Frosted Landscape, Deck The Halls, and Modern Christmas.

This gorgeous 8wt, 2-ply 100% long staple Egyptian cotton thread is double-gassed and mercerized, resulting in a wonderfully smooth and lustrous surface that allows the thread to glide beautifully through all types of fabrics and fibres. The thread’s tight twist creates beautifully firm stitches while its surface sheen produces a luxurious finish to embellishment stitchery.

Usages: Hand embroidery, embellishment, wool applique, sashiko.

FREE PAtterns: Wool Cut Ornaments

Decorate your Christmas tree, turn them into gift toppers, or spend some time stitching together as a family with these cute wool ornaments! With 3 different patterns to choose from, you can use the threads in your new Eleganza™ holiday pack to personalize your own handmade ornaments.

Sleigh Ornament:

Nutcracker Ornament:

Christmas Tree Ornament: